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The 35th Tohoku University International Festival

& The 115th Anniversary of Tohoku University

October 2, 2022

We revive our international culture festival after 2 years of the pandemic. This year's festival features diverse cuisine from many countries, various stage/fashion shows, and interactive corners.

Time: 10:00 - 16:00 (Sunday, October 2, 2022)

Venue: Kawauchi Hagi Centennial Hall


Winter Dance Party

December 21, 2018

The semester is about to end, the holidays are coming and TUFSA is preparing another fun crazy Winter Dance Party for you all! Those of you who need to let some steam out and embrace the upcoming winter vacations vibe - come and party!

Time: 7:00-10:00 pm

Venue: IHS, Lobby

TUFSA Christmas Movie Night

December 13, 2018

Beware of electrified door handles, oiled floors, iced steps and flying buckets. Please come to IHS I Lobby for TUFSA Movie Session “Home Alone”. Bring your buddy, mates, friends; blankets to keep you warm and cozy.

Time: 7:00-10:00 pm
Venue: IHS, Lobby
Entrance is for free, we will sell popcorn and soft drinks

Welcome Dance Party

April 20, 2018

Get ready for the first dance party of the semester!
Have a great time and make new friends!

Time: 7:00-10:00 pm
Venue: IHS, Lobby

TUFSA Movie Night

April 03, 2018

TUFSA invites all new students to a movie night!
Join us for a fun night, entrance is for free!

We will also provide soft drinks and popcorn!

Time: 7:00-10:00 pm
Venue: IHS, Lobby

TUFSA at Tohoku University International Students Orientation

April 02, 2018

re you curious about TUFSA and what we do? We will be around at the autumn edition of the Tohoku University International Student Orientation!

Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:40 p.m.
Venue: 2nd floor, Multidisciplinary Research Building, Kawauchi Minami Campus

January 26, 2018

We are ready for the last dance party of the semester! It will be your chance to have a great time with friends and say goodbye to Sendai.

When: January 27, Sat (7-10 pm)
Where: IHS Lobby

January 27, 2018

Come and enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon painting with us along with a video of the master himself, Mr Bob Ross. Do not worry if you feel you are not the artsy type, just come and try something new.

When: January 28, Sun (3-6 pm)
Where: IHS Lobby

TUFSA at Tohoku University International Students Orientation

October 02, 2017

Are you curious about TUFSA and what we do? We will be around at the autumn edition of the Tohoku University International Student Orientation!

Time: 5:45 p.m. to 7:20 p.m.
Place: Tohoku University Centennial Hall (Kawauchi Hagi Hall)

TUFSA at Sendai World Festival

September 17, 2017

Come to TUFSA's booth, do fun games and learn more about our organization!

Entrance is for free!
Sendai International Center

September 18, 10 am- 4 pm

Summer Bazaar

July 29, 2017

Do you have furnitures, clothes, kitchen ware or even a scooter you'd like to sell before leaving town- this is the place to be! Just fill the application form to help us organizing the event.

Costs for signing up as a seller: 200 Yen.
Apply here:
Venue: Saturday, July 30. International House Sanjo 1, Lobby
Time: set up from 1:30 pm, the event starts at 2:00 pm

Semester End Bolly wood Dance Party

July 28, 2017

All Good Things Must Come To An End, and so does this semester. But we will not say farewell silently.
To honour the big Indian community in sendai and you all(!), of course we will be throwing one of the most special parties TUFSA has ever thrown! It will include exclusive offers/activities:

Henna drawing, Bhindi, Special Indian flavored drinks (directly from India)
Polaroid Picture Taking

TUFSA Holi- Festival of Colours

July 07, 2017

Are you ready to roll in brightly colored powder, enjoy fun games and have a great time? Then join us at TUFSA-Holi to experience the festival of colors. The event promotes friendship while offering an occasion to forgive and forget. We will be providing bags of organic colors along with water guns!

Entrance: 600 Yen


July 8, 2-4pm

Summer Dance Party

June 23, 2017

TUFSA proudly presents the hottest summer dance party of the semester!


Take a break from your studies and enjoy with us the best music and cool drinks!

- If you want to drink that night, do not forget to bring your ID!-

TUIF Seven Deadly Sins - Cool Down Event

May 26, 2017

TUIF (Tohoku University International Festival) is organizing a fun treasure hunt activity, a day before the big event.Come and conquer the Seven Deadly Sins and win great prizes!
Get into a team of 5 people and click the link below to register.If you have less members or if you are alone but want to participate, do not worry, you are more than welcome to register and we will set you up.

To Participate, Click the button below now!


TUIF International Dance Party

May 13, 2017

The Largest International Dance Party in Tohoku Region is coming back!

Get to know people from around the world, play games, have fun together and become awesome friends!

The party starts at 7pm so don't be late!

Invite your friends as well, the more the merrier!

More details coming soon! Stay tuned!

Tohoku University International Festival

May 13, 2017

'I am because you are'

- The 32nd second of the Tohoku University International Festival is coming on May 14, in front of Hagi Hall! Join us for a day filled with delicous food from all over the world, colorful performances and interact with other international organizations in the Interactive Corner.

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